Editing Fee Schedule

For limited time it's 50% off on all posted rates!

My services cover character arc and characterization, overall plot and plot-holes, timelines as well as spelling and grammar, formatting, awkward phrasing, and the small-scale issues that need to be conquered to make your writing flow smoothly.

I prefer to work in Word, using Track Changes, so you can see all the corrections and suggestions I make. I've edited books written in American and British/Australian English. And I charge by the word, not by the houryou'll know exactly how much to budget for.

(All prices are in US currency.) You need to Contact: nas_dean@ymail.com and schedule your project. 

This is what you get:

  • Two full rounds of edits.
  • 3rd round edits available for an additional fee.
  • Marked-up soft copy (Track Changes) and a detailed report of my opinions/suggestions.
Developmental Edit

Developmental Edit is a form of writing support in which I guide the author after she has conceived the topic and written the story.

Then I will look at the overall structure and write an editorial report which will summarize the strengths and the weaknesses of the story. This report would include each of these elements and provide additional thoughts and suggestions.

Story and character arcs.
Plot and turning points.
Information dump
Goals and motivations
Story theme
Deep Point of View
Showing and Telling

The manuscript would do multiple passes between the author and me. And would include Content Edit and Copy/Line Edit. 

4c per word


Content Edit 

Includes identifying/correcting or marking out and giving examples (as appropriate):
  Overall structure and content. 
  Head hopping
  Point of view issues
  Deep point of view examples
  Showing vs Telling
  Identifying Dangling Modifiers
  Capitalization issues
   misused words 
   plot problems 
   misplaced/lack of/inappropriate/too much/too little emotional reaction  
   too much/too little/missing/irrelevant back story 
   pacing problems 
   inconsistent/weak characterization. 

Detailed report of my suggestions/opinions (first pass only). Email report and edited manuscript in Track Changes.

All these for 3c per word. 

Copy Edit

Final pass to ensure manuscript is error free, the best story it can be, and ready for publication. Includes: 

1. Correct typos and punctuation/grammar errors. 
2. Ensure consistency in spelling, use of ellipses and dashes, fonts, capitalization, etc.
3. Identify missing or misused words 
4. Ensure consistency of story elements 

And this package is 2c per word. 


Manuscript Assessment

Includes identifying the overall structure and content.
Detailed email report of my suggestions/opinions (one pass only). 

Please note manuscript assessment can't be done on incomplete stories or manuscript. 

Rate: 1c per word. Eg: $US500. for 50,000 words.

Formatting for Kindle

$30 upto 50k words.

$100 for up to 100k words—two formatsKindle, D2D, and final word fileincluding TOC, all front matter (title page, linked TOC, copyright page) and back matter for your book (excerpts linked to buy page or website).

Please take note that I do not use any formatting software or any type of formatting template. I format from word document so if there are any special requirements, just let me know. 

For back matter updates only to your Kindle/Draft2Digital Files: $15.00 for each book. 

Recommended Services

Lets talk! 


Nas with Mills and Boon UK editors, Flo Nicolls, Joanne Grant and author Rachael Thomas.